
The Vision Resource Center at ND Vision Services/School for the Blind serves patrons from ages birth through end of life; students, teachers, vision professionals, parents, and people with visual impairments or blindness are all encouraged to browse and utilize our materials. We manage and administer materials obtained through federal and state funding as well as grant funding sources. We strive to offer the latest in both professional and practical information for individuals whose lives are touched by visual impairment or blindness. We provide standard materials in non-standard formats, educate patrons in information literacy, and support the rights of all to the freedom of access to information. 

The Vision Resource Center is committed to the state-wide accessibility of its collection through ODIN and to a working partnership with the North Dakota State Library in providing all patrons within the state access to information despite physical or geographical limitations. If you are looking for professional resources, leisure reading materials, textbooks, adaptive and educational aids, or if you simply have a question about what resources are available to you, please reach out to us. Our materials are free to all eligible teachers, students, and clients throughout North Dakota. Requests for materials are taken via our online request forms, over the telephone, mail, email, etc.

APH Items Request  NDVS/SB distributes educational aids that are funded by the American Printing House for the Blind’s federal quota program. These materials can only be requested for and used by students who are registered on the APH Annual Census. 

Textbook Requests for 2025-26  Request accessible versions of the textbooks your student needs by filling out this form.

VRC Materials Request Fill out this form for all other materials you need to request from the VRC, including large print, braille, twin vision, and/or professional books; audiobooks; DVDs; assessments; etc.

We invite you to browse our collection online through the public access catalog.

Click here to search

The Vision Resource Center provides the following services:

Additional resources on literacy, accessibility, and alternative formats can be found here