by Tracy Wicken, Project Chair, NDVS/SB Technology and Lions Club Member
There is an exciting project underway, and your support is needed to make it happen. We hope to be able to install a life-size bronze statue representing the service and support that NDVS/SB provides to persons of all ages with vision loss throughout North Dakota. The statue also represents Lions Clubs and their members and the service and support they give to vision-related projects as well to people with vision loss in North Dakota and around the world. We are calling this project “Statue of Service.” This bronze statue, along with a resting area, will be placed on the grounds of NDVS/SB in Grand Forks to represent that service as well as inform people of the location of NDVS/SB.
North Dakota Vision Services/School for the Blind (NDVS/SB) has served many citizens of North Dakota of all ages and continues that service today and will continue to do so into the future. NDVS/SB wants everyone in North Dakota to know about them: who they are, the services they provide, and where they are located. Lions Clubs in North Dakota have been supportive in so many ways over the years to those with vision concerns that they need to be recognized for that support. People need to be made aware of the tremendous positive impact that they’ve had in helping those in need.
The statue as planned features a woman with a guide dog, a young boy with a mobility cane, and a lion. It will have signage for NDVS/SB and will also have an interactive braille sign for people to learn a bit about the braille system and decipher a verse that is written in braille. The sidewalk, in close proximity to where the statue will be placed, will be landscaped and a bench or two for sitting will make a nice space to view and interact with the statue as well as a place to rest. This life-size bronze statue, along with mounting, lighting, and landscaping, will cost approximately $130,000.
The amount of funds needed for this project is great. It will take much time to raise the funds, and it will take the financial support of many to make it happen. We ask that you consider donating to this project in any way that you are able, as an organization or as an individual. We are on our way as currently about $25,000 has been donated towards this project. A substantial contribution of $20,000 was just made recently. If you are able, please send your donation to: NDVS/SB Foundation, 500 Stanford Road, Grand Forks, ND 58203. Please indicate on your donation that it is to go to the “Statue of Service Project.” With your financial contribution to this project, people will know where to receive services and support in North Dakota if they or someone they know is experiencing vision loss and they will recognize Lions’ unwavering service and support. Thank you for considering supporting this project!
Below is a drawing from a company that makes bronze statues and was drawn based on a narrative that was given to them of how the statue might look. Although the drawing isn’t exactly what the statue will look like in its final form, with some minor adjustments it will be as it should be.