
Children and adults who experience visual impairment face a number of practical challenges. Trained professionals serve a vital role in assisting people meet and overcome these challenges. North Dakota Vision Services/School for the Blind is an agency that is dedicated to providing the resources and trained staff to meet the needs of people (of all ages) throughout the great State of North Dakota.

At NDVS/SB, we believe that a person who is blind or visually impaired has the right to receive instruction in all aspects of his/her life in order to learn the skills necessary to reach full potential. In compliance with state and federal mandates, NDVS/SB offers a full range of service options, based on an individual's strengths and needs. We put a great deal of emphasis on providing the emotional support that is often needed to work through issues that arise due to visual impairment. This includes support to family members.

It is also important to note that our agency works in close cooperation with the public schools, the Department of Human Services, consumer groups and a variety other non-profit agencies.

I invite you to browse our website. I am hopeful that you will find the information useful. Should you desire additional information, please feel free to contact me at 800-421-1181 (in North Dakota), 701-795-2717 or at sends email)


Paul H. Olson