Sunday, September 1, 2024 - 01:00 am Categories:
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by Paul Olson
NDVS/SB Superintendent

This summer, several NDVS/SB staff had the opportunity to attend a presentation in West Fargo by Jason Romero. Jason was on a multi-state tour speaking about his life and most importantly, overcoming adversity. Jason is a middle-aged guy who is blind because of a hereditary condition called retinitis pigmentosa. 

In our business we meet lots of people who are blind and literally everyone has daily practice overcoming adversity. So, what makes Jason’s story such a big deal? Well, he did happen to run across America covering 3,063 miles in a mere 59 days. 

Excerpt from his website: Jason has been the proverbial "underdog" in life. He comes from humble beginnings and was raised by a single mother who taught him the value of a strong work ethic. In his teen years he was told he would go blind, and his dream of having a professional career was out of the question. Despite the bleak prognosis, Jason eventually became an attorney and business executive. As Jason's eye disease progressed, he experienced a severe depression. It was at this low point in life that Jason accepted the challenge to, and did run 51.5 miles/day from Los Angeles to New York. Jason believes "all things are possible!"

Not everyone has the opportunity, inclination, resources, or the time to do something so big, but everyone has the opportunity to tackle adversity and test their own limits. This is a message we all need to hear to encourage ourselves and those around us. As we at NDVS/SB begin another school year, we strive to inspire the people we serve. Whether the goal for a student or adult learner is to learn how to use a smartphone better or take those first steps in being an independent traveler, it is all about stretching one’s imagination and confidence.

Our challenge for all of you this fall is to stretch your imagination. Do something that is big for you. Encourage someone in your life to take on whatever adversity they face and live an active life! 

If you would like to learn more about Jason’s journey, go to his website: and perhaps even consider his book, Running into the Dark.

Have a good fall!