NDVS/SB Early Elementary STP
Look Who-Who is Ready to Learn New Skills!
September 24-29, 2017
NDSB Center Base
500 Stanford Road
Grand Forks, ND 58203
When: September 24-29, 2017
Starting Time: Sept 24, Sunday – arrive between 4:00-6:00
Ending Time: Sept 29, Friday- Parents pick you up 12:30-1:00 or at a predetermined time for those staying a shorter time
What to Bring: Comfortable clothing - outdoor clothing; personal items – PJ’s, robe, slippers, toiletries; small amount of spending money (suggested $10.00); gym shoes; OTC medicines you may need such as: Tylenol, or cough syrup, favorite pillow or blanket
Classes: Braille, Food Prep, Computers, Travel Skills, Building Listening Skills, Social Skills, Board Games, Crafts, Career Awareness
Other Activities: Movie Night, Games, Gym Activities, Crafts, Playground Time, Pumpkin Patch Outing, Reading for Fun, Creative Snacks
Kids! Don’t forget your school work because there will be some class-time to do your assignments.
Looking forward to seeing you on September 24th!!