When: February 3-8, 2019 - Feb. 9th Goalball event from 8:30 - 12 with lunch served
Starting Time: Sunday, February 3 - Arrive between 4:30-5:30pm
Ending Time: Saturday, February 9 - After lunch
Registration Deadline: January 23rd
Our educational program is filled with instruction and experiences focusing on independence and the Expanded Core Curriculum. A focus this week will be on Recreation and Leisure by partaking in our Goalball tournament with SD School for the Blind and Visually Impaired. Space is limited!
11th & 12th Graders – Join us for the opportunity to take part in our new Independent Living Program which includes living in an apartment setting and experiencing daily living on your own! (Guidance of skilled staff)
School Assignments: There will be limited time allotted to work on school assignments. We ask that only the necessary homework be sent. Instruction on the ECC will be our focus!
What to Bring: Business casual clothing for job sites; clothing to play goalball in; outdoor clothing/gear including hat, gloves and boots (for outdoor activities); personal items including PJ’s, robe, slippers, toiletries; modest swimwear; $10 spending money; any over the counter medicines you may need such as Tylenol, cough syrup, antihistamines and prescription medications
Teen Short Term Program & Goalball Event
Registration Forms:
Authorization for Release of Information
For More Information Contact:
Cindy Williams, Coordinator of Student Programs, ckwillia@nd.gov
Shanna Hanson, Transition/Careers Instructor, Shanhan@nd.gov